Instructions for Authors
The editors of L’Europe Unie/United Europe invite submission of articles based on original research as well as reflections on conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues in European Studies. The Journal is designed for both print and online pdf version.
Guidelines for contributions
- languages in use: English, French, Italian
- one-sided pages, TNR 12, single-spaced throughout, including quoted material. Footnotes: single-spaced at the bottom of page, using Arabic numerals. See style sheet below.
- Title: in the original language of the manuscript, centred, bold, TNR 14
- Abstract: in English, sums up the argument, not to exceed 130-150 words
- Keywords: in English; up to 5 keywords, bold, separated by commas, in alphabetical order
- author’s name and institutional affiliation: on separate page in order to facilitate anonymous review
Style sheet:
Title: TNR 12, centred
Abstract: TNR 12
Article (body): TNR 12
Footnotes: TNR 10
Bibliography: at the end of the article, TNR 12
- contributions are to be sent to the editorial office in electronic, word.doc or word.docx form; if tables, charts and other graphics needed, please submit in separate file (in. xls. tiff. jpeg).
- submission deadline: July 1st of each year via email: europeuniejournal@gmail.com
Manuscripts that do not follow recommendations will be sent back to the authors with a consequential delay in publishing, until criteria are met.
Please refer to the following quoting examples:
- Footnotes (first occurrence):
1.Pascal Bruckner, La tyrannie de la pénitence. Essai sur le masochisme occidental, Paris, Grasset, 2006, pp. 207-208.
2. Jean-François Mattéi, Le regard vide. Essai sur l’épuisement de la culture européenne, Paris, Flammarion, 2007, p. 81.
3. Jacques Derrida, Jürgen Habermas, Le « concept » du 11 septembre. Dialogues à New-York (octobre-décembre 2001). Présentés et commentés par Giovanna Borradori, Paris, Galilée, 2003, p. 49.
4. Susan Sontag, At the Same Time. Essays and Speeches. Edited by Paolo Dilonardo and Ann Jump. Foreword by David Rieff, London, Hamish Hamilton an Imprint of Penguin Books, 2007, pp. 121-122.
Monographic studies:
1 Ioan-Aurel Pop, Thomas Nägler, Magyari András (coord.), Istoria Transilvaniei, vol. III, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2008, p. 481.
2. Nicolae Albu, Istoria şcolilor româneşti din Transilvania între 1800-1867, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică si Pedagogică, 1971, p. 159.
3. Mihaela Daciana Bolos, Mărcile și indicațiile geografice în sistemul relațiilor internaționale, Târgu-Mureş, Editura Universul Juridic, 2013, pp. 25-26.
4 Keith Hitchins, Conştiinţă naţională şi acţiune politică la românii din Transilvania 1700-1868, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 1987, pp. 134-136.
Studies published in journals:
1. Mihaela Daciana Bolos, “From International to Regional Systems. IP in The Middle East” in Studia Universitatis Petru Maior, Series Oeconomica, Fasciculus 1, year VIII, 2014, pp. 68-69.
2 Mihály Spielmann, “Teleki Bolyai Library”, in Transylvanian Review, IV, No. 2, 1995, p. 105.
Studies published in coordinated volumes:
1. Mihaela Daciana Bolos, “National Brand and Intellectual Property in the Context of Globalization”, in International Days of Statistics and Economics (IDSE), Prague, 2012, pp. 212-219.
2, Liviu Maior, “Asociaţionismul transilvan (sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi începutul secolului al XX-lea)”, in Ioan Bolovan, Sorina Paula Bolovan (coord.), Schimbare şi devenire în istoria României, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2008, p. 92.
3 Camil Mureşanu, “Reflecţii despre Simion Bărnuţiu – gânditorul politic”, in Sorin Mitu et alii (coord.), Biserică, Societate, Identitate. In Honorem Nicolae Bocşan, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, p. 245.
PhD Thesis:
1.Dorin Goţia, ASTRA în anii Primului Război Mondial., Ph.D. Thesis defended in 1998, Scientific Advisor Liviu Maior, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca, p. 129.
Conference papers:
1 Mihaela Daciana Bolos, “National Brand and Intellectual Property in the Context of Globalization”, in International Days of Statistics and Economics (IDSE), Prague, 2012, pp. 212-219.
- Bibliography
BRUCKNER, Pascal, La tyrannie de la pénitence. Essai sur le masochisme occidental, Paris, Grasset, 2006.
MATTÉI, Jean-François, Le regard vide. Essai sur l’épuisement de la culture européenne, Paris, Flammarion, 2007.
DERRIDA, Jacques, HABERMAS, Jürgen, Le « concept » du 11 septembre. Dialogues à New-York (octobre-décembre 2001). Présentés et commentés par Giovanna Borradori, Paris, Galilée, 2003.
SONTAG, Susan, the Same Time. Essays and Speeches. Edited by Paolo Dilonardo and Ann Jump. Foreword by David Rieff, London, Hamish Hamilton an Imprint of Penguin Books, 2007.
ALBU, Nicolae, Istoria şcolilor româneşti din Transilvania între 1800-1867, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică si Pedagogică, 1971.
Studies – published in journals:
BOLOS, Mihaela Daciana, “From International to Regional Systems. IP inThe Middle East” in Studia Universitatis Petru Maior, Series Oeconomica, Fasciculus 1, year VIII, 2014, pp. 66-77.
Studies published in coordinated volumes:
MUREŞANU, Camil, “Reflecţii despre Simion Bărnuţiu – gânditorul politic”, in Sorin Mitu et alii (coord.), Biserică, Societate, Identitate. In Honorem Nicolae Bocşan, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2007, pp. 240-265.
Monographic studies
ALBU, Nicolae, Istoria şcolilor româneşti din Transilvania între 1800-1867, Bucureşti, Editura Didactică si Pedagogică, 1971.
Conference papers:
BOLOS, Mihaela Daciana, “National Brand and Intellectual Property in the Context of Globalization”, in International Days of Statistics and Economics (IDSE), Prague, 2012, pp. 212-219.
PhD Thesis:
1. GOŢIA, Dorin, ASTRA în anii Primului Război Mondial, Ph.D. Thesis defended in 1998, Scientific Advisor Liviu Maior, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca.
Non-book materials (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc.) and Internet sources (both footnotes and bibliography):
*** Pietre pentru zidirea românităţii moderne: vechile tipărituri ale Blajului, CD-ROM, Alba Iulia, Editura Haco International, 2007.
Online sources:
2 See http://varga.adatbank.transindex.ro/?pg=3&action=etnik&id=601 Accessed: 17.09.2011
Law and cases (footnotes and bibliography):
1 Lege pentru completarea legii din 24 martie 1904 relativ la cedarea de cărţi pentru biblioteci, in Monitorul Oficial, No. 205/19 December 1922, p. 1.
2 Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, Reform and Human Rights in Eastern Europe. Report Submitted to the Congress of the United States, Washington 1989,https://www.csce.gov/sites/helsinkicommission.house.gov/files/1988-12%20reform%20%26%20hr%20in%20east%20europe.pdf, Accessed:12.03.2020
3 Human Rights Convention, https://www.echr.coe.int/Documents/Convention_ENG.pdf. Accessed: 12.03.2020.
4 Al-Skeini and Others v. the United Kingdom (application no. 55721/07), https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng-press#{%22itemid%22:[%22003-3601054-4079088%22]} Accessed 12.03.2020
If possible, the authors will follow structure as here: Institution, Archive fund, File, Document number.
1 National Archives. County of Sibiu, Astra Found, File no. 58, Document no 106
Conventional abbreviations accepted by the editors:
– Ibidem – Ibid.
– Idem –Id.
– op. cit. (opus citatus)
– loc. cit., (loco citato)
– et alii (et aliae)
– apud
– et passim (here and there).
Conflict of interest:
Authors must disclose all relationship or interest that could influence or bias their work. Such conflicts of interest include but are not limited to: financial interests (e.g. employments, consultancies, honoraria, grants) and non-financial interests (e.g. professional relationships, personal benefits)
The authors can disclose potential conflicts of interest via separate statement or in the manuscript, below the bibliography, in a separate section called Conflict of Interest Statement
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest
Authors are not requested to pay any fee for the article publication.
If further instructions needed, please contact us at:
Submission deadline: July 1st of each year